Hey, The aim of the Radical Aesthetic Movement (fronted by the likes of Lydia He et al) is to make personally certain to a vast number of individuals the claims and statements of a given movement. It is the brute-forcing of beauty, beauty as battering-ram, for some given end. It is a means of circumventing the constraints of formal logic (which is often unconvincing) with a tool that is nearly immediately convincing, intuitively. How does this manifest itself (often)? It's to be "cool." The aim is to be subtly, effortlessly, yet unambiguously unaffected by the World. Though no secular (knowingly) takes seriously the ancient Christian concept of the 'World' as the satanic realm, they do believe it implicitly. Someone, an angel among men, who lives innocently and carelessly as to the affairs of the world (to be above it, so to speak) is as a god to seculars. It is to be beyond space and time, place and moment--to be ascended. The gurus of our age constitute of anyon...
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