
Showing posts from September, 2021

The Saga of Søren

 “Twas the night of the Lome, when all that was good, was smuggled away, away from the Wood, and the children, they scream, and the parents’ brows furrow, at every mink skin and every hare burrow. Every Mass sermon and every Church bell, tolls uneasy, with the thought of hell; the reminders of Bosch*, and his outlandish dreams, disrupts every sleeper, cuts holes in the seams, of every wall keeping the dark and surreal, away from our minds, away from our meals, and the Owl, she cry, and and the boar, outgrabe*; such was the night, when the Whale of the labe, would wake all the shroom, whose cry would alarm, and sound the doom, of the Beast of the Hills, the Valleys, and Mounts, whose very death cry was enough to flaunt, the rapier of Saint Volga, Anderson surname, whose name lasts the years and souls which had came, who tested the will of the Beast of the Hills, and struck him in chest; twas enough to kill. The eye will be found and the crowd will be quiet; the fact will be made so ...

Thoughts on the New Missal

Thoughts on the Nature of the New Missal (This was from years ago--I don't necessarily agree with this anymore) The Catholic Church, given the divine mandate to convert all nations, was brought into existence in its wholeness at Pentecost--yet her most ancient and profound ritual predates this event noticeably. This ritual, as you may have guessed, is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass--the memorial and true reenactment of Christ’s Passion on the Cross for our sakes. The Holy Mass, defined as “...a true and proper Sacrifice” 1 by the Magisterium, is the peak and epitome of our faith as the Church Militant. It stands for and is truly the timeless redemption of man and our participation in that reception. The priest, in persona Christi, intercedes on our behalf to the throne of Heaven, where the outpouring of graces meet their recipients. The chalice, the bread--ancient symbols stemming from the first priesthood of Melchizedek--made into the blood and body of Christ at the first Eucha...

A Proposition

26/09/2021 A Proposition Concerning the Local and Diocesan Use Of the Lorrha or Stowe Missal Of the Celtic Rite  Made to The Most Rev. David L. Ricken  Of the Diocese of Green Bay Your Excellency, In our present age of the Church, among the varying topography of liturgical and ritual practices, each with the pious intent of adherence to the infallible and orthodox decrees of the Magisterium, there has been felt an increasing intrigue among both the laity and clergy concerning the early ecclesiastical traditions which led to the genesis of both the Ordinary and Extraordinary forms of the Mass.  These traditions, exhibited by the patristic heritage found within both the East and West, were the product of the wisdom of those Church Fathers who, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit presiding within the Apostolic succession, brought forth liturgies and rituals which were found pleasing to God and wholly necessary for the spiritual wellbeing of the faithful. Such liturg...