The Marvelous Adventures of Bird Man [Ch. 1-10]
~ Note ~ The following is a retelling of something that really, truly happened, not terribly long ago. It is a collection of stories told by a range of characters—dear friends to total strangers—stitched together into a cohesive whole. While the majority of this tale is told by am omnipresent narrator, the author has taken the liberty to recount first-person journal entries and particular monologue. He hopes it does not interrupt the organic stream of this work. Whatever. A warning: there will be many adults and teenagers who will hate this story. No child yet uncorrupted will dislike it. They will be endlessly frustrated at various sections, and dogmatic during others. Perhaps some libertines will be frustrated with certain depictions. I do not care. I have spent the greater portion of my life caring—I do not care. We shall meet again at the end of this work. Good bye & God bless - The Author THE SUMMER ONE “Phone Calls and Villages” “Zachary… so...